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  • Anúncios

    • Wallz

      Suporte e Serviço Pago: Tabela de Valores!   04/03/2023

      Devido a acontecimentos recentes e para eu não parar de mexer de vez com l2j, a pedido de alguns clientes, a partir de hoje, suporte remoto, edição de dlls, edição de patches de proteção e atualizações será cobrado um valor simbólico pois por causa de alguns usuários agindo de má fé eu vou ter que parar de disponibilizar conteúdo e suporte remoto grátis Suporte Remoto: Acesso remoto AnyDesk/TeamViewer: R$40,00/hora ~ R$25,00/fração de hora (15~30 minutos) Instalação de Servidor no PC: R$60,00 (Para computador doméstico o servidor será configurado por padrão parar rodar em, pois eu não mexerei com portas de roteador) Instalação de Servidor em VPS/Dedicado: R$ 60,00 (Apenas a instalação dos programas e da pack, não inclui configurar in-game, add npc/itens custom nem qualquer outra modificação) Add Item Custom: R$80,00 cada set (armaduras/armas) sem configurar status específico. Add/Criar Moedas Custom: R$40,00 se tiver que criar textura + R$20 por moeda Add NPC/Mob Custom: R$ 40,00 cada NPC, sem configurar status ou scripts Serviços adicionais: Updates de Pack: R$29,90/mês a pack Alterações específicas de Proteção: R$95,00 Restaurar Compra (usuários antigos): R$ 35,00 Liberar Interface Custom na Proteção: R$75,00 por DLL Adicionar Logo do Server na Proteção: R$65,00 Server Health & Overview: R$ 150,00/hora de teste Launcher Compacto: R$249,99 
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[Classic] Como trabalhar com Prime Shop

  • How to Enable

Server Side
Path: game\config\server.properties

Change from False to True
PrimeShopEnabled = True

Set your currency - default is 29520 Vip Coin
PrimeShopGamePointItemId = 29520

Client Side
Path: Lucera2Client\system_en or \system or any name of the system folder from which you run the client.
File: l2.ini
[PrimeShop] section
UseClassicPrimeShop=true - set to true, default is false
NewPrimeShop=false - this is optional, based on your preference
Edit with any editor.

  • How to edit or add your products to Prime Shop

Client Side

Path: Lucera2Client\system\ProductName_Classic-en.dat
product_name_begin id=100201 outer_name=[1st Class Transfer Effect Scroll] description=[1st Class Transfer Effect Scroll\n1-day 10pcs] icon=[BranchIcon.Icon.etc_g_bm_buff_scroll_i00] icon_panel=[icon.pannel_cursed] mainsubject=[] product_name_end

id=100201 - product ID in the shop, NOT ITEM ID
outer_name=[1st Class Transfer Effect Scroll] - the name displayed in the shop
description=[1st Class Transfer Effect Scroll\n1-day 10pcs] - Description of the item being sold in the shop
icon=[BranchIcon.Icon.etc_g_bm_buff_scroll_i00] - Icon displayed in the shop

Server Side

Path: gameserver\data\prime_shop.xml
Format: XML

<product id="100201" name="1st Class Transfer Effect Scroll" category="11" price="1000" is_best="true" on_sale="true" sale_start_date="1980.01.01 08:00" sale_end_date="2037.06.01 08:00">
    <component item_id="29654" count="1" />

product id="100201" - taken from the game client
name="1st Class Transfer Effect Scroll" - product name, can be any name you prefer
category="11" - displayed category in product tabs // 11 - supplies // 12 - equipment // 13 - vip // 14 - event
price="1000" - the price for the item. The ItemId is taken from PrimeShopGamePointItemId = 29520. It's not possible to specify your own for each item because the currency for Prime Shop is set globally.<component item_id="29654" count="1" /> - item id and the quantity that the player will receive.
is_best="true" - icons indicating the product's status. Best offer
on_sale="true" - whether the product is for sale or not. You can add it with false and then activate it if needed.
sale_start_date="1980.01.01 08:00" sale_end_date="2037.06.01 08:00" - time restricting the sale of the item, not displayed in the client - you need to specify it in the description manually, but the server removes it.

Description of Category 15 Mechanics:
This category tab operates outside the realm of L2 Coin and serves as a store for in-game events such as Events or rewards from mobs.
In this category, items are sold for Gold and Silver Coins, as specified in the configuration.

# Currency for purchasing items in Prime Shop ONLY in category="15"
# Example: price_silver_coins="1000"
PrimeShopSilverCoinItemId = 29983
# Example: price_gold_coins="1000"
PrimeShopGoldCoinItemId = 29984

For example, let's create any product in Category 15:

<product id="100201" name="1st Class Transfer Effect Scroll" category="15" price_gold_coins="1000" price_silver_coins="1000" is_best="true" on_sale="true" sale_start_date="1980.01.01 08:00" sale_end_date="2037.06.01 08:00">
    <component item_id="29654" count="1" />

!!!Emphasis on these parameters!!! - category="15" price_gold_coins="1000" price_silver_coins="1000"

Where category="15" is the category that moves the item to the farthest tab.
You can specify the price in two currencies at once - Gold Coins and Silver Coins. However, you can also set only one of them; it is not necessary to set both.
As a result, we obtain an additional tab with "event" items outside the scope of L2 Coin costs.


This is what the result looks like.
Regarding VIP Level and other VIP subscription mechanics, I am still working on it, and once I finish implementing it, it won't interfere with the shop's functionality and can be implemented in parallel.


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