O fórum teve que ser recriado do zero, usuários do fórum antigo precisam se cadastrar novamente e caso você seja usuário vip se identifique perante a um administrador que o status vip será reatribuído..

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  • Anúncios

    • Wallz

      Suporte e Serviço Pago: Tabela de Valores!   04/03/2023

      Devido a acontecimentos recentes e para eu não parar de mexer de vez com l2j, a pedido de alguns clientes, a partir de hoje, suporte remoto, edição de dlls, edição de patches de proteção e atualizações será cobrado um valor simbólico pois por causa de alguns usuários agindo de má fé eu vou ter que parar de disponibilizar conteúdo e suporte remoto grátis Suporte Remoto: Acesso remoto AnyDesk/TeamViewer: R$40,00/hora ~ R$25,00/fração de hora (15~30 minutos) Instalação de Servidor no PC: R$60,00 (Para computador doméstico o servidor será configurado por padrão parar rodar em, pois eu não mexerei com portas de roteador) Instalação de Servidor em VPS/Dedicado: R$ 60,00 (Apenas a instalação dos programas e da pack, não inclui configurar in-game, add npc/itens custom nem qualquer outra modificação) Add Item Custom: R$80,00 cada set (armaduras/armas) sem configurar status específico. Add/Criar Moedas Custom: R$40,00 se tiver que criar textura + R$20 por moeda Add NPC/Mob Custom: R$ 40,00 cada NPC, sem configurar status ou scripts Serviços adicionais: Updates de Pack: R$29,90/mês a pack Alterações específicas de Proteção: R$95,00 Restaurar Compra (usuários antigos): R$ 35,00 Liberar Interface Custom na Proteção: R$75,00 por DLL Adicionar Logo do Server na Proteção: R$65,00 Server Health & Overview: R$ 150,00/hora de teste Launcher Compacto: R$249,99 

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  1. 5 curtidas
    Requisitos MÍNIMOS PARA RODAR A PACK Hardware: CPU: 4 core RAM: 4 GB (Para o java) - Recomendado mínimo maquina de 8GB pra colocar o servidor online HDD: 20 GB. Desejável SSD/NVME Software: Para maior facilidade na hora de configurar seu servidor, segue abaixo os links dos programas corretos para o bom funcionamento: Java JRE 8 - - Programa necessário para o funcionamento da revisão, não sendo aceito em outra versão, para baixar abra o link abaixo. (Para Windows x64). JRE 8 Bellsoft: MySql Server 5.7 - Programa essencial para funcionamento do banco de dados do servidor, para baixar acesse o link abaixo e clique em download no arquivo (mysql-installer-community-5.7.x.msi) o instalador instala ambas as versões x86/x64. MySQL-5.7.33 : Navicat for MySql - Ferramenta para edição no Banco de Dados do servidor sendo indispensável para maior mobilidade e edição do servidor, para baixar acesse o link e selecione a versão x86 ou x64.. Navicat 12 x86 e x64 no Link Abaixo Sistema Operacional: Windows: Windows Server 2012 R2 (RECOMENDADO) Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2019 Parte Humana: Raciocínio Lógico Básico Saber ler Seguir os Tutoriais
  2. 2 curtidas
    Essa é uma função muito útil para incluir buffs e portabilidade para players, ele basicamente transforma o NPC Buffer em um item que pode ser acionado por dois cliques. Você pode usar o icone e nome que desejar, Boof of Buff, Stone of Buff, Celta Tunado, fica a seu gosto. Para criar o item você precisa executar o código da SQL abaixo. Você pode salvar como .sql e executar também. INSERT INTO `server_variables` (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('BuffItemIds', '3875'); O caminho para edição deste item é: Game\data\html-en\mods\buffer\item-3875.htm
  3. 2 curtidas
    Menu: //admin - Calls the admin panel. //play_sounds - Calls html of all active sounds. //play_sound [sound id] - plays a sound. //silence - Block / Unblock the reception of messages to the administrator. //tradeoff - Block / Unblock the reception of trade to the administrator. //show_html - Will show any html from the html-en / admin folder //setnpcstate [stage] - Set the stage to the specified NPC. //showmovie; // showmovie [Movie ID] - Show the specified movie to the admin. //setzoneinfo [Atmospheric Id] - Change the atmosphere in a given zone (visual effects). //eventtrigger [Event ID] - Calls the event for this character. //debug - Show chat the complete information of the target. //opensod [opening time in minutes] - will open SOD for a specified period of time. //closesod - Closes SOD. //setsoistage [stage 1-5] - Set the stage of the SDI to the specified. //soinotify [stage 1-3] - Virtually kills one of the soy bosses, 1 - koimenes; 2 - ecimus; 3 - protection HOE. //forcenpcinfo - Target NPC refreshes data about it. //loc - Show admin coordinates in chat systems. //locdump - will throw in the txt file the location information in which the admin is located. //undying - Immortality to admin. //char_manage - open the editorial page of the game. //teleport_character_to_menu - will open the player’s teleport page. //recall_char_menu - will open the character call page. //goto_char_menu - will open the page to fly to the character. //kick_menu - will open the kick page. //kill_menu - will open the kill page. //ban_menu - will open the ban page. //unban_menu - will open the page unbroken. Announcements: //list_announcements - Show the current announcement sheet. //announce_menu - Opens the announcement menu. //announce_announcements - Announces an announcement to all players in the world. //add_announcement [announcement] - Adds an announcement to the announcement list. //del_announcement [Announcement ID] - erase the announcement with the specified ID. //announce [announcement] - Announce the announcement worldwide. //a [announcement] - Announces the announcement worldwide. //crit_announce; //c [announcement] - Announces a critical announcement (different color in the chat) //toscreen; //s [announcement] - displays your announcement on the screen to all players in the world. //reload_announcements - reloads announcements from a txt file. Ban: //trade_ban [days] - Blocks the ability to trade a character on specified days by target. //trade_unban - Unlocks the ability to trade a target. //ban [nickname comment time] - bans the player with the specified nickname for a time in minutes with the possibility of commenting on the ban. //accban [account time in minutes] - the account specified in the command will be banned; if you do not specify the time, then the account will be banned forever! //accunban [account] - Unlocks the specified account. //chatban; // nochannel; // nc [nickname message time to player] - bans the chat for the specified time and sends a message to the player. //chatunban [nickname] - Break the chat to the specified player. //jail [nickname time reason] - Imprison the specified player for the specified time and send the reason. //unjail [nickname] - Release the specified player from prison. //permaban - The target and its account are always banned for all possible criteria. //hwidban - ban a player by HWID (only works if installed is protection for the client) Camera: //freelook [parameters 0 or 1] - you can fly around the world in god mode (that is, fly without a character like a soul) //cinematic [id distance ugl1 ugl2 time duration] - will show the video (such as video from antharas when it leaves the den) Zeroing effects: //cancel [radius] - at the specified radius, reset all effects (buffs) of the players. Access levels: //changelvl [level] - will change the access level of the player to the target //moders - Opens the moderation control panel on the server. //moders_add - Adds the specified player to the target as a server moderator. //moders_del [moderator_id] - Removes the specified moderator from the moderators. //penalty [name number_points reason] - Will give the specified player "violation points" //gm - the target is issued a statue of Gm CH: // clanhall - Show a page related to CH. Create items: //itemcreate - Opens a page with the ability to create a thing. //ci; //create_item [id quantity] - will create the specified thing in the specified quantity. (if there is a target, it will give this thing a target) //spreaditem [id quantity] - Drops to the ground the specified item in the specified quantity. //create_item_element [id element_id (0-5) attribute_value - create an item with the specified attributes and the specified attribute strength. //give_item [target] [item_id] [item_count] give item to target //give_all <item_id> <amount> - give an item to all players in the world //give_all_by_ip <item_id> <amount> - give an item to all players in the world with unique IP //give_all_by_hwid <item_id> <amount> - give an item to all players in the world with unique HWID //give_all_radius [itemId] [count] [radius] - give an item to all players in radius //remove_item [id] [count] [target] - remove an item from the target //destroy_items [target] - delete all inventory from a player Cursed Weapon: //cw_info - Will show in the chat information on cursed weapons in the game. //cw_remove [weapon_id] - removes the damned weapon from the player. //cw_goto [weapon_id] - teleports the admin to the player with the specified damned weapon. //cw_add [weapon id] - will add a damned weapon to the target player. (if it is free) //cw_drop [weapon_id] - drop the cursed weapon from the player at the target. Removal: //delete - Delete the target from the game (except for the players, of course) Disconnect: // disconnect; //kick [nickname (you can also target)] - Kick the player out of the game. Doors: // open [door_id (also possible by target)] - will open the specified door. // close [door_id (also possible by target)] - closes the specified door. Character manage: //settitle [title] - sets the title to the target. //setclass [class_id] - will change the character class to the specified one. //setname [name] - will change the character’s nickname to the specified one. //current_player - will open a list of all players on the server. //character_list [nickname] - will open the player’s personal page with the specified nickname. //show_characters - will open a list of all players on the server. //find_character [nickname] - will open a list of all possible players with the specified nickname (search) //edit_character - will open the page for editing attributes for characters (by target) //character_actions - will open the page for viewing the player’s parameters (teleport to him, quests, summoning, etc.) //setkarma [karma_number] - will give the target player the specified amount of karma. //rec - will add +1 to the recommendation to the player on the target. //rec [number of rivers] - will add the specified number of rivers to the target. //sethero [nickname (also possible by target)] - will make the specified player a permanent hero or, on the contrary, will remove the permanent hero from him. //setnoble [nickname (you can also by target)] - will make the specified player a nobless to the permanent. //setsex - will change the gender of the player by target. //setcolor [color_id] - changes the color of the nickname to the player specified in the target. //add_exp_sp [exp cn] - will give the number of exp and cn to the character at the target. //add_exp_sp_to_character - will open a page where you can give exp and cn to characters. //setsubclass [class_id] - will make the specified class as a subclass of the target. //setfame [glory] - the player will be given the specified glory by target. //setbday [year-month-day] - sets a new birthday for the player by target. //add_bang [count] - will add the specified number of bang points (ps cafe points) to the player by target. //set_bang [count] - sets the specified number of bang points to the player by target. //set_pa <pa_id> <target> give Premium account to target Effects: //invis; // vis - visibility and invisibility of the admin. //gmspeed [speed_1-4] - the speed of movement and crazy stats at the admin. //invul - Makes the admin immortal or removes immortality. //offline_vis - all offline traders become visible. //offline_invis - all offline traders become invisible. //earthquake [force time] - earthquake with the indicated strength and duration throughout the world. //block - the target is blocked and cannot do anything. //unblock - unlock the target. //changename [name] - change the name of any object in the game. //setinvul - makes the target immortal. //getinvul - check if the target has immortality, and displays the response to the chat. //social [id_1-7 (can be left empty and will be random)] - the target or the admin himself will make a social movement. //abnormal [name of abnormal] - hangs on the target or on the admin itself the abnormal effect (like the visual effect of poison, camp, etc.). Enchant: //enchant - Opens a page with the ability to sharpen things. //seteh [point] - Sharpen the helmet at the specified point. //setec [point] - Sharpen the body to the specified point. //seteg [dot] - Sharpen the gloves to the specified point. //seteb [dot] - Enables bots to the specified point. //setel [dot] - Sharpen the bottom to the specified point. //setew [dot] - Sharpen the right weapon at the specified point. //setes [dot] - Sharpen the left weapon at the specified point. //setle [dot] - Sharpen the left earring at the specified point. //setre [point] - Sharpen the right earring to the specified point. //setlf [dot] - Sharpen the left earring at the specified point. //setrf [dot] - Sharpen the right earring on the specified point. //seten [dot] - Sharpen the necklace at the specified point. //setun [dot] - Sharpen underwear at the specified point. //setba [dot] - Enables cesspool at the specified point. //setha; // setdha [dot] - Sharpen the headgear at the specified point. //setlbr [dot] - Sharpen the left bracelet at the specified point. //setrbr [dot] - Sharpen the right bracelet to the specified point. //setbelt [dot] - Sharpen the belt at the specified point. Events: //events - Opens a window with available tournaments on the server. //list_events - will show in the chat a list of all events for which the player is registered (not only tournaments but also sieges, tv, etc.) //setteam [team_0-2] - sets the player to the target in the team blue, red or none. //pvpevents - window of all PvP events Geodata: //geo_z - show the height of the coordinates in the chat. //geo_type - Show the type of geodata in this location. //geo_nswe - for debugging and working with geo, who knows what knows what. //geo_los - checks if the target is visible by geodata. //geo_load [region_x region_grik] - includes the geodata in the specified region. //geo_trace [it_or_off] - enables / disables geodata tracing. //geo_map - shows in the chat the current region of the character. Chat: //gmchat [text] - only GMs see this chat. Heal: //heal [radius (you can also target)] - heals all the parameters of the character / characters. //res [nickname (possible by target)] - resurrect the player and return him exp. Instances: //instance - show all available instances in the world. //instance_id [id] - will show all players in the specified instance. //collapse - closes the instance in which the admin is located. //reset_reuse [instance_id] - will remove the entire restriction on the instance by ID from the player by target. //reset_reuse_all - will remove all restrictions on entry to all instances of the player by target. //set_reuse - sets the time to enter the admin admin. IP: //charip [character_name] - will show the IP of this character. Damage: //kill [player_name (also possible by target)] - kills the character. //damage [damage] - makes damage to the character at the target specified in the team. Levels: //add_level; //addLevel [level_number] - adds the specified number of levels to target. //set_level; //setLevel [level] - sets the specified level to the character by target. Mammon: //find_mammon - find mamons in the world with the ability to teleport to them //show_mammon - show all mamons in the world on the map. //hide_mammon - hide all manom from players. //list_spawns [npc_id] - show all coordinates where the npc is spawned with this id. Manor: //manor - opens a page with manor functions. //manor_reset - reboots the entire manor system. //manor_save - manually save the status of the manor. //manor_disable - turn off manor on the server. Monster race: //mons - includes monsters in the manual race. Olympiad: //oly_save - save olymp data manually. //add_oly_points [character_name points] - add the number of points to the specified players. //oly_start - manually include the period of the Olympiad. //oly_stop - manually complete the period of the Olympiad. //add_hero [nickname] - adds a hero with the specified name. Petition: //view_petitions - view all active petitions. //view_petition [petition_id] - see the petition with the specified ID //accept_petition [petition id] - agrees to the petition with the specified ID //reject_petition [petition id] - refuse the petition with the specified ID. //reset_petitions - restart the petition system (demolish all active petitions) Clans: //pledge create [clan name] - creates a clan to a character by target. //pledge setlevel [level] - will increase the level of the clan by the specified. //pledge resetcreate - removes the penalty for expelling a person from the clan by character on target. //pledge resetwait - removes the penalty from the character for exiting the clan. //pledge addrep [reputation] - add reputation to the clan by target. //pledge setleader - replaces the clan of the clan leader by target per person in the target. Polymorph: //polyself; //polymorph; //poly [monster id] - turns into a monster with the specified ID. //unpolyself; //unpolymorph; //unpoly - returns the character to its original appearance. Quests: //quests - Will show all active character quests by target. Reloads: //reload_config - reloads configs. //reload_multisell - will reload multiselk. //reload_items - reload items xmls //reload_gmaccess - will reload accesses from gmakses.khml. //reload_htm - reload html. //reload_qs all - reloads all quests for all players, if without "all" then by target. //reload_qs_help - help with these commands. //reload_skills - reloads all skills. //reload_npc - reloads all the NPCs (data about them) //reload_spawn - reloads all spawn in the world. //reload_fish - reload fishing. //reload_abuse - reloads the chat filter. //reload_translit - reload transliteration translation. //reload_shops - reloads all stores. //reload_pets - reloads all data about the pet. //reload_locale - reloads all localization (thong folder for multilingualism) //reload_nobles - reloads all nobles. Repair: //repair; //restore [nickname] - returns the character to normal coordinates in case of critical or stuck. Mount: //ride [pet_id] - ride a pet and the specified ID //ride_wyvern; //wr - call the wyvern. //ride_strider; //sr - ride on stride //unride; //ur - get off the strider / wyvern. Server: //server - show the server page //check_actor - will check the characteristics of the character by target. //setvar [parameter_name parameter] - sets the table values to the server_variable table. //set_ai_interval [time] - sets the alternative ai_deals to the specified mob by target. //spawn2 [id] - spawn like a regular handler, but ignores the ban on spawn raid bosses. //server_shutdown [time] - shuts down the server after a certain time. //server_restart [time] - will send the server to restart after the specified time. //server_abort - will stop the restart / shutdown report. Shop: //buy [id_by_list] - will open the buy list specified in the command. //gmshop - will open the GM shop. //tax - Show global tax on the server. //taxclear - reset the tax statistics. Skills: //show_skills - show a list of all skills at the target. //show_effects - show a list of all effects at the target. //remove_skills - will show a sheet through which you can remove skills from the target. //remove_all_skills - removes all skills from the target. //skill_list - show a list of all skills. //add_skill; // setskill [id level] - will add the skill to a target or to itself. //remove_skill [id] - remove the skill from the target //get_skills - admin will get all the skills that the target has. //reset_skills - reloads all skills at the target deleting skills that it should not have. //give_all_skills - will give all available skills to the target. //debug_stats - Logs all information about the character’s stats. //remove_cooldown - resets the rollback of skills from the admin //buff - admin's static buff. Spawns: //show_spawns - will show a list of all possible spawns. //spawn; // spawn_monster [id number of respawn] - spawn on the mob point with the specified ID (you can skip the number and rep) //setai [ai_name] - sets the NPC to the specified AI. //setaiparam [parameter_name] - sets the NPC to the specified parameter in the AI. //dumpparams - dumps to the log all the information on the parameters of the AI mob on the target. //dumpspawn [id] - spawn the NPC and drop all the information about it into a file. //setheading - the NPC will change its direction according to the target and will “look” where the admin is looking. 7 sign: //ssq_change [period of a minute (it is possible without a period and minutes)] - will change the stage of 7 seals to the specified or the next if not specified. //ssq_time [time_to_periods_period] - sets the time until the end of the period. //ssq_cabal [burn_id_id_name of the player of bondage] - manually installs the player on the specified side in 7 seals. Target: //target [name] - sets the target to the specified player. Zones: //zone_check - will show in chat all the parameters of the zone in which the admin stands. //region - will show in the chat all the parameters of the region. //vis_count - will show in the chat in which region you are and how many players are in it. //pos - will show your full current position in the chat. //domain - will show which castle you own. Teleport: //show_moves - show a list of all available teleports. //show_moves_other - show a list of all other teleports. //show_teleport - will show a list of possible teleport functions by target. //teleport_to_character - teleport to the target. //teleport_to; // teleportto [nickname] - teports you to the specified nickname. //move_to; // moveto; // teleport [x y instance (you can not enter) - teleports you to the specified coordinates. //walk [x y z] - the admin will go on foot to the specified coordinates. //tonpc; // to_npc [npc_id or npc_name] - teleports you to the specified NPC. //toobject [obzh_id] - teleports you to obzh_id. //teleport_character [х у з] - port the player to the specified coordinates. //recall [player_name] - teleports the player to himself. //recall_party [party_leader_name] - teleports the party to himself. //setref [instance id] - Assigns the target to the specified instance. //getref [name] - find out in which instance the specified player. //recall_npc - calls the NPC at a target to itself. //bk - teleport bookmark for GMs. For save point of teleport //bk [point name] Residence: //residence_list - show a list of all residences. //residence [residence_id] - will show a detailed report on the specified residence. //set_owner [residence_name clan_name] - assigns a residence to the specified clan. //set_siege_time /// quick_siege_start /// start_dominion_war - only through the panel //quick_siege_stop [residence_id] - end the siege of the specified residence manually.
  4. 2 curtidas
    Caminho: \Game\config\GMAccess.xml Para adicionar super privilégios a um personagem você precisa abrir o arquivo GMAccess.xml com um editor de texto simples e procurar o campo <PlayerID set="0"/> que fica logo no inicio do arquivo e inserir o ID do personagem desejado. Para saber qual o ID do personagem vá até a tabela characters no seu banco de dados e o valor estará presente na obj_Id. Após alterar o ID, salve o arquivo e reinicie o servidor. Para criar novos GMs é só duplicar o conteúdo <char> </char> e alterar para o ID do novo admin. Existem modelos salvos de diferentes níveis de privilégios na pasta \Game\config\GMAccess.d
  5. 1 curtida
    ID do NPC: 40010 HTML: Game\data\html-en\mods\buffer XML: Game\data\buff_templates.xml O arquivo XML é o local onde você configura level, valores, condições e assim por diante. Vamos considerar a XML e seus buff_templates.xml formato: Exemplo: <template menuId="200" target="BUFF_PLAYER"> <consume> <item id="57" amount="200000" /> </consume> <produce> <skill id="1068" level="3" /> <skill id="1040" level="3" /> <skill id="1086" level="2" /> <skill id="1204" level="2" /> <skill id="1077" level="3" /> <skill id="1242" level="2" /> <skill id="1268" level="4" /> </produce> </template> Vamos entender estas tags: MenuId - É o ID que vamos criar um alvo de buffer, seja para BUFF_PLAYER ou BUFF_PET. Consume - ID e quantidade dos itens para dar o buff. Produce - São os valores com ID e nível dos buffs que serão entregues ao chamar esse MenuID. <consume> <item id="57" amount="200000" /> <item id="4037" amount="0" /> </consume> No exemplo acima coloquei para o item cobrado ser 200000 adenas. Dica: pode criar ou usar uma moeda existente para ser um "coin de buff" ou semelhante. Em amount se o valor for igual a 0 ele não vai consumir ao entregar o buff. Ou você pode colocar um consumo se for uma moeda recorrente. Além disso, você pode usar vários itens na planilha (buff_templates.dtd) a partir dos quais o primeiro dos existentes no inventário será consumido - é conveniente para contas premium com níveis diferentes. Exemplo: <consume anyFirst="true"> <item id="6673" amount="0" /> <item id="4037" amount="0" /> </consume> Recaptulando, a função produce é onde será armazenamento o buff ou o esquema de buffs que você deseja entregar para aquele ID. Entrega apenas 1 buff: <produce> <skill id="1068" level="1" /> -> Entrega apenas 1 buff </produce> Entrega vários buffs: <produce> <skill id="1068" level="3" /> <skill id="1040" level="3" /> <skill id="1086" level="2" /> <skill id="1204" level="2" /> <skill id="1077" level="3" /> <skill id="1242" level="2" /> <skill id="1268" level="4" /> </produce> Se você quiser limitar um buff para ser entregue apenas em um determinado level use a variável from_level, o player precisa ter 200000 e é necessário ter precisamente o level 20 no exemplo abaixo, veja: <consume> <item id="57" amount="200000" from_level="20"/> </consume> Para exigir um nível mínimo e ser livre para todos os subsequentes podemos usar a variável minLevel na tag do template: <template menuId="126" target="BUFF_PLAYER" minLevel="51"> -> Level minimo necessário para receber o buff. <consume> <item id="57" amount="200000" /> </consume> <produce> <skill id="1068" level="3" /> <skill id="1040" level="3" /> <skill id="1086" level="2" /> </produce> </template> Veja um exemplo de como adicionar um esquema de buff a um dialogo html localizado em \Gameserver\data\html-en\mods\buffer\1.html O dialogo vamos encontrar a ação assim: <a action="bypass -h scripts_services.Buffer:act ask=200&reply=1">Fighter 1 lvl</a> Vamos entender: ask=200 - É o ID que inserimos no campo MenuID, portanto, esse botão vai char o buff(s) que você colocou nesse template com as condições internas que você aprendeu neste guia. &reply=1 - É a pagina de retorno, o player clica, ganha o buff e retorna. Neste exemplo o replay é 1, voltara para a 1.html. Você pode criar htmls adicionais de sucesso para buff ou qualquer coisa que sua criatividade permita. GG, você entende o básico de como trabalhar com o buff.
  6. 1 curtida
    Por exemplo, pegue o rate de XP de 10x para o servidor que queremos, e por exemplo, fazer rates do level 1 ao 20 a 15x. Tabela de exemplo se a taxa básica for x10: - 1-20 = x15 - 20-40 = x8 - 40 -52 = x5 - 61-76 = x10 O caminho mais fácil é editar a skill de grade: <skill id="239" levels="7" name="Expertise D"> <table name="#magicLevel">20 40 52 61 76 76 76</table> <table name="#power">1.15 0.8 0.5 1 1 1 1</table> <set name="icon" val="icon.skill0239"/> <set name="magicLevel" val="#magicLevel"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="skillType" val="HARDCODED"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/> <set name="canLearn" val=""/> <set name="isCommon" val="true"/> <for> <mul order="0x30" stat="ExpMultiplier" val="#power"/> <mul order="0x30" stat="SpMultiplier" val="#power"/> </for> </skill> <table name="#magicLevel">20 40 52 61 76 76 76</table> -> Intervalos de nível para cada level. <table name="#power">1.15 0.8 0.5 1 1 1 1</table> -> Multiplicação com base no rate padrão do servidor <mul order="0x30" stat="ExpMultiplier" val="#power"/> -> Inside sobre o XP. <mul order="0x30" stat="SpMultiplier" val="#power"/> -> Inside sobre o SP. Atenção: Atente a ordem do nível. 20 significa os valores do nível inicial até o 20, a casa 40 representa os levels do 21 até o 40 e assim sucessivamente. O 20 é o primeiro valor de level, então no parametro #power o primeiro valor será aplicado, neste caso 1.15. Assim Do level 1 até o 20 o rate padrão desse servidor de exemplo é 10x mas terá uma multiplicação de 1.15 tornando-o 15x.
  7. 1 curtida
    Caminho: Game/data/zone/epic.xml Vamos usar o Queen Ant para servidores PvP e para personagens de level alto - evitar cair na zona e tomar Raid Curse. <zone name="[queen_ant_epic]" type="epic" > <set name="playerMinLevel" val="1" /> <set name="playerMaxLevel" val="48" /> <set name="playerLevelLimitBackLoc" val="-25464 172424 -4203" /> <polygon> <coords loc="-23176 185080 -6000 -5500" /> <coords loc="-20104 185080 -6000 -5500" /> <coords loc="-20104 177928 -6000 -5500" /> <coords loc="-23176 177928 -6000 -5500" /> </polygon> </zone> Mude para <zone name="[queen_ant_epic]" type="epic" > <polygon> <coords loc="-23176 185080 -6000 -5500" /> <coords loc="-20104 185080 -6000 -5500" /> <coords loc="-20104 177928 -6000 -5500" /> <coords loc="-23176 177928 -6000 -5500" /> </polygon> </zone> A restrição de level e o debuff paralyze foram retirados. E agora precisamos fazer o Level UP para Queen Ant e Minions e se quiser aumente status de HP, MP, Defesas, Ataque etc para evitar um boss fraco. Caminho: Game/data/npc/29000-29099.xml IDs: 29001, 29002, 29003, 29004, 29005
  8. 1 curtida
    A revisão possui dois tipos de Community Board, um clássico, semelhante ao do Lineage 2 original, apenas com noticias e funções básicas. E o Smart com os Mods Caminho: Game/Config/Server.properties Para habilitar ou desativar o Community (Alt + B) na linha AllowCommunityBoard = True # Default bypass BBSDefault = _bbshome # Para custom bbs (buffer, shop etc.) você precisa trocar _bbshome para _bbspage:index e vice-versa. BBSDefault = _bbspage:index Caminho para as HTMLS CB padrão. Game\data\htm-enl\scripts\services\community\ Caminho para as HTMLS do CB Smart. Game\data\html-en\scripts\services\community\pages\ Para adicionar multisells custons você precisa incluir os arquivos no caminho Game\data\multisell\pvp precisa ter um traço - exemplo Game\data\multisell\pvp\-12000.xml Um exemplo de botão (bypass) é action="bypass _bbsmultisell:-12000;_bbspage:shop" Se você deseja transferir o serviço do NPC AIO 40025 para o Community Board, para isso você precisa editar o bypass, por exemplo, \data\html-en\mods\services\40025.htm você encontra o comando: action="bypass -h scripts_services.NickColor:list" Para ser acionado no Community ficará deste jeito: "bypass _bbsscripts_services.NickColor:list;_bbspage:services".
  9. 1 curtida
    Caminho: Game/data/npc Na Lucera todos os dados pertencentes a um NPC (teleports, drops, skills, status, aparência etc) estão atrelados ao seu código XML. Então vamos usar o npc da xml 30000-30099.xml de ID 30006 a GK Roxxy <npc id = "30006" name = "Roxxy" title = "Gatekeeper "> <set name =" aggroRange "value =" 0 "/> <set name =" ai_type "value =" CharacterAI "/> <set name =" baseAtkRange "value =" 40 "/> <set name =" baseCON "value =" 43 "/> <teleportlist> Início do tag do teleporter <sublist id = "1"> ID da sub lista que é usada na caixa de diálogo para mostrar os teleports em 1 pagina. <target loc="-80684 149770 -3040" item_id="57" price="9400" name="Gatekeeper.TheVillageofGludin"/> <target loc="9744 15645 -4568" item_id="57" price="24000" name="Gatekeeper.DarkElvenVillage"/> <target loc="115120 -178224 -880" item_id="57" price="46000" name="Gatekeeper.DwarvenVillage"/> <target loc="46951 51550 -2976" item_id="57" price="23000" name="Gatekeeper.ElvenVillage"/> <target loc="-45158 -112583 -240" item_id="57" price="35000" name="Gatekeeper.OrcVillage"/> <target loc="-112367 234703 -3668" item_id="57" price="830" name="Gatekeeper.ElvenRuins"/> <target loc="-111728 244330 -3448" item_id="57" price="770" name="Gatekeeper.SingingWaterfall"/> <target loc="-106696 214691 -3424" item_id="57" price="1000" name="Gatekeeper.WesternTerritoryofTalkingIsland"/> <target loc="-99586 237637 -3568" item_id="57" price="470" name="Gatekeeper.ObeliskofVictory"/> </sublist> <sublist id = "2"> ID da sub lista que é usada na caixa de diálogo para mostrar os teleports em 1 pagina. <target loc = "- 87328 142266 -3640" item_id = "57" price = "1000" name = "Gatekeeper.GludinArena" /> <target loc = "73579 142709 -3768" item_id = "57" price = "1000" name = "Gatekeeper.GiranArena" /> <target loc = "49315 248452 -5960" item_id = "57" price = "1000" name = "Gatekeeper.ElvenRuins" /> <target loc = "146440 46723 -3432" item_id = "57" preço = "1000" name = "Gatekeeper.Coliseum" /> </ sublist> <sublist id = "3"> ID da sub lista que é usada na caixa de diálogo para mostrar os teleports em 1 pagina. <target loc = "- 87328 142266 -3640" price = "1" item_id = "6651" name = "Gatekeeper.GludinArena" /> <target loc = "73579 142709 -3768" price = "1" item_id = "6651" name = "Gatekeeper.GiranArena" /> <target loc = "49315 248452 -5960" price = "1" item_id = "6651" nome = "Gatekeeper.ElvenRuins" /> <target loc = "146440 46723 -3432" price = "1" item_id = "6651" name = "Gatekeeper.Coliseum" /> </sublist> </teleportlist> Fim da tag do teleporter Parâmetros: <sublist id = "1"> - list id <target loc = "São as coordenadas X Y Z você consegue usando /loc" price = "Quantidade de itens" item_id = "ID do Item que sera cobrtado" name = "Gatekeeper.GludinArena - a string que tem alguns dados especiais, você pode ver mais na pasta /strings "/> Agora vamos procurar o Dialogo da Roxy, o caminho é: Game\data\html-en\teleporter Gatekeeper Roxxy: [npc_%objectId%_Chat 2|Ask about the Ivory Tower.] [npc_%objectId%_Teleport 1|Teleport] for this teleport a list from <sublist id = "1"> is taken, as well as an example you can put the output of sub pages with other id [npc_%objectId%_Teleport 2| <sublist id="2"> - Teleport Name] [npc_%objectId%_Teleport 3|<sublist id="3"> - Teleport Name] [npc_%objectId%_multisell 002|Exchange Dimension Diamonds.] [scripts_Util:NoblessTeleport|Noblesse Exclusive Teleport] [npc_%objectId%_Quest|Quest] Para usar teleportes personalizados sem editar os NPCs, você pode adicioná-los diretamente ao HTML: 1. Exemplo de teleport grátis [scripts_Util:Gatekeeper X Y Z Heading|Teleport Name] [scripts_Util:Gatekeeper -61288 -57736 -1600 0|Move to Top of the Clock Tower.] 2. Exemplo de teleport que remove item, é colocada a quantidade e o ID (1 1658) [scripts_Util:QuestGatekeeper X Y Z ItemCount ItemID|Teleport Name] [scripts_Util:QuestGatekeeper -80684 149770 -3040 1 1658|Teleport using Gatekeeper's Amulet.]
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